Blog Entries - April 2023

Donovan Joins LHS as Purple Star Award Recipient
Donovan Elementary School and Lebanon High School have received Purple Star Awards for demonstrated commitment to serving military students and families. Donovan Elementary received the award in 2023; Lebanon High School received
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We Need Bus Drivers!
BUS DRIVERS NEEDED! Be a hero - drive a school bus! It's a great job for anyone who: loves kids and likes to drive, and/or is retired, and/or is a parent of a Lebanon student, and/or is looking for a rewarding professional career! School bus drivers are
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PaySchools: Setting Up a New Account
Lebanon City School District has transitioned away from EZPay and is now using PaySchools Central to process meal and fee payments. PaySchools is an upgraded, robust online payment processing system already used by many local school
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LJHS Drama Presents - Willy Wonka Jr.
Lebanon Junior High School Drama proudly presents their spring musical, Willy Wonka Jr., April 21 and 22. Buy tickets here! This year's production features a 36-member cast of junior high students, a 26-member student crew
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PaySchools Meal and Fee Payment Processing Program
UPDATE: PAYSCHOOLS IS WORKING - DESKTOP SITE AND MOBILE SITE WORKING CORRECTLY - Wednesday, April 12, 9:00 a.m. - the PaySchools Central desktop site and mobile app is working correctly. CLICK HERE FOR THE LATEST DETAILS. UPDATE:
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