Blog Entries - 2020

Tech Support for LCS Families
Lebanon City Schools is a Google district. That means that we use GSuite for Education tools for teaching and learning. Please visit our Parent Portal Website for useful information in accessing technology from home.
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Snow Day Reminders
Dear Parents: As winter weather approaches, it is time once again to communicate our plans for informing our stakeholders about snow delays and closings. Like last year, if school is delayed or canceled, we will send a text message to all
Blog Entry Synopsis EndFinal reminder- option change deadline is today at 4 PM.
Hello- We wanted to send a final reminder that the deadline to request an option change for second semester is today at 4 PM. This webpage has all the details. Remember: 1- If you want your student to stay where they are now for second semester, there's
Blog Entry Synopsis EndOption change deadline is Friday
Reminder- the deadline to request an option change for your students is this Friday at 4:00 PM. Here are some helpful links: Our webpage with information about second semester- current numbers are posted here Our second semester plans The process for
Blog Entry Synopsis EndOption Change Deadline is next Friday
Good afternoon, We're one week away from the deadline to submit an option change request for second semester. The deadline is next Friday, October 30, at 4:00 PM. We will not accept any requests for option changes after this deadline. READ THE
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LCS Family Tech Support
Introducing the LCS Family Tech Support Parent Portal! Lebanon City Schools is a Google district. That means that we use GSuite for Education tools for teaching and learning. Your student will type their work on Google Docs, create multimedia presentations on
Blog Entry Synopsis EndSchool Supply List 2020-2021
Vaccination and Medical Records
Requests for vaccination and medical records will be filled beginning August 10, 2020 and should be made by emailing your School Nurse. Unfortunately, these requests cannot be filled in the summer months when the nurses's offices are closed. We suggest contacting your doctor if you need these records before the start of school.
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School to Home eLearning activities and resources for the week of April 6-10 are available at this link:
School to Home eLearning April 6-10
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Kindergarten Registration has been postponed.
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Project Excellence Nominations Being Accepted
The Project Excellence Committee of the Area Progress Council of Warren County, Inc. seeks to recognize and honor excellent teachers within the public schools in Warren County. We ask your assistance in identifying exceptional educators who demonstrate
Blog Entry Synopsis EndNeighborhood Bridges-Lebanon to Help Address Community Needs
Neighborhood Bridges, a non-profit charity headquartered in Westerville, Ohio will be launching its Gateway for Kindness to serve the Lebanon Schools community in Lebanon, Ohio. A 501(c)(3) organization, Neighborhood Bridges has driven direct support and care
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