District Mission, Goals, and Equity Action Items
Approved by the Board of Education December 16, 2019

Our Mission:
Building Community
Lebanon City Schools commits itself to excellence and equity in education.
We build relationships among students, parents and caregivers, staff members, and community members around shared interests and goals.
We create communities in classrooms, within grade levels and school buildings, on athletic teams, and during co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
We strengthen the Lebanon City and Warren County communities as we prepare graduates for careers and college. We partner with community leaders, non-profit organizations, business owners, and area colleges and universities.
Our Goals:
We will create and sustain a climate and culture that demands and supports systemic equity and improved achievement for each student while narrowing current and predictable cultural and racial achievement gaps by:
Implementing equity-centered curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices in anti-racist, anti-bias environments
Improving equity-centered instructional leadership and support
Increasing our capacity to design and deliver equity-centered professional development for staff
All students will have access to and demonstrate meaningful participation in courses and programs which promote innovation and infuse technology.
We will recruit and retain a diverse group of highly-trained teachers and staff who reflect the values of the community.
Our schools will be safe, inclusive, healthy, and caring learning environments promoting intellectual, social, emotional, ethical, and physical growth for all students.
We will foster community pride by providing thorough educational experiences while demonstrating fiscal stewardship.
We will involve students and their families, school staff, and community members as partners in ongoing improvement efforts.
Equity Action Items
Action Item 1- Professional Development
Develop and implement a professional development plan for all staff that includes professional learning about foundational concepts of equity, culturally proficient practices, and strategies to ensure every student is safe and included at school.
Expected Results
Identifiable procedures and practices that address educational equity
District administrators, building administrators, and teacher leaders will lead improvement efforts focused on educational equity and cultural proficiency at every level of the school system
Strategies to Achieve Expected Results
Continue staff learning
Identify cultural proficiency skills and behaviors that can be observed during walkthroughs
Include more diverse voices in decision-making
Sustain positive building cultures through relationships among staff, students, family, and community members
Action Item 2- Subgroup Achievement
Utilize a district and building protocol using summative and formative data to monitor the progress of identified subgroups.
Expected Results
Quarterly reports using identified data by building
Highlight the progress of schools with most significant gaps in academic and behavior achievement
Provide quarterly update of 2-3 specific action items identified in the school’s improvement plan
10% increase in the number of students in identified subgroups performing proficient or higher on state and local assessments
Increased performance level of staff members in addressing the learning needs of all students with specific attention to students in identified subgroups
Strategies to Achieve Expected Results
Identify metrics for monitoring
Establish schedule for meetings among administrators and partners
Determine key factors for individual students with the largest gaps in achievement and establish site-level and student-level resources to supplement classroom engagement
Review existing data dashboards to include equity-based data
Action Item 3- Engage the Community
Increase community involvement/engagement to support District-wide initiatives and building School Improvement Plans.
Expected Results
Establish an Equity Community Walk protocol for schools
Design and implement a parent advisory group which mirrors the District’s diversity
Strategies to Achieve Expected Results
Conduct Equity Community Walks at each school.
Create and implement training to support Equity Walks
Identify community partners and inventory their current support for student learning.
Develop parent advisory group that represents and reflects the diversity of learners in the district.
Evaluate the accessibility of community services and resources including satisfaction surveys. Identify unmet needs.
Action Item 4- Hire a Diverse Workforce
Develop and monitor a system to recruit, hire, retain, and promote a diverse workforce within the District. We want to employ people who may be different from each other and who do not all come from the same background. The differences may be those of national origin, physical appearance, religion, education, age, gender, or sexual orientation.
Expected Results
Cultural make-up of administrators, teachers, and support staff mirrors student make-up
New staff of non-dominant cultures will remain in the district a minimum of 5 years
The percentage of staff of non-dominant cultures in each classification is the same as the student body and staff of non-dominant cultures are promoted to leadership positions within their classification
District administrator and teacher recruiting efforts are targeted areas to recruit high quality educators from non-dominant cultures
New teachers being hired will participate in equity/cultural proficiency trainings as part of their professional growth
Strategies to Achieve Expected Results
Cultivate homegrown talent – Monitor and support students from non-dominant cultures who have shown interest in teaching. Partner with colleges to promote local efforts.
Recruit community members to participate in the district hiring process.
Recruitment of students from non-dominant cultures from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
Cohort program – Mentors in the district will take support new hires to achieve success and retention.
Ensure more diversity among district-level personnel
Action Item 5- Culturally Responsive Practices
Infuse culturally responsive practices in our classrooms and school buildings. Culturally responsive practices include those practices that are free from discrimination and bias while being welcoming, inclusive and responsive to the diverse experiences and needs of our school community.
Expected Results
Staff will respect and seek to understand diverse perspectives.
Learners will feel valued as individuals.
Parents/Community members will feel welcomed and valued as individuals.
Strategies to Achieve Expected Results
Knowing self through district provided shared belief experiences and other ongoing professional development for all staff
Share resources with staff in order to recognize their own biases, blind spots, strengths, and challenges
Cultural proficiency professional development for staff
Action Item 6- School Climate
Grow and support positive trusting relationships across all district stakeholder groups and individuals. All staff members will work to build trusting relationships between learners, staff, parents, and community members.
Expected Results
Staff will interact responsively with all learners, parents and community members.
Staff will facilitate dialogue that builds trust among all groups.
Learners will feel physically, intellectually, culturally, and social-emotionally safe and included in the school environment.
Parents and community members will appropriately engage and interact in the school setting.
Strategies to Achieve Expected Results
Ongoing professional development for all staff related to developing trusting relationships with learners and families
Provide and promote varied opportunities to interact positively with all stakeholders so that staff will understand family systems; Families will understand staff perspectives and backgrounds
Utilize student leadership clubs at all levels to provide a safe environment for all learners
Disaggregated perceptual surveys will be developed for learners, staff and parents/community
Refine building discipline models to include restorative practices
Action Item 7- Curriculum and Instruction
Assure that curriculum, materials, instructional practices, and assessment are free of discrimination and bias and celebrate the diversity of humankind.
Expected Results
Staff will provide and deliver culturally responsive curriculum and materials to learners.
Learners will use their knowledge and experiences to understand diverse perspectives and integrate skills and information.
Parents and community members will be aware of the curriculum and materials being used and appropriately share any concerns or questions that arise.
All stakeholders will advocate for a greater understanding and appreciation of the contributions and enrichments of a diverse society through curriculum, instruction and assessment.
Strategies to Achieve Expected Results
Collect disaggregated course enrollment data to share and discuss yearly.
Develop an action plan to increase access to AP courses and career opportunities for all learners, specifically focusing on historically marginalized populations.
Staff development to enhance skills in seeking and utilizing diverse materials and resources in an integrated meaningful and sensitive manner.
Develop a diverse team of learners, staff and community members to review new and existing educational materials.
Action Item 8- Student Involvement & Recognition
Provide equitable opportunities for all learners to take part in co-curricular activities and scholarships/awards that address their strengths and interests.
Expected Results
Staff will encourage and support the involvement of all learners in co-curricular activities.
Learners will engage in appropriate co-curricular activities.
Parents and community members will encourage and support learners to engage in appropriate co-curricular activities.
Staff and community members will be encouraged to support learners through the scholarship process.
Strategies to Achieve Expected Results
Collect disaggregated co-curricular and scholarships/awards data to share and discuss yearly.
Create attendance records for clubs at all levels
Student leaders in all areas will share information about co-curricular experiences with parent and community groups. Staff will gather feedback from students and families.
Acknowledge all scholarships
Expand upon the diversity/breadth of awards given in schools