Lebanon City Schools Preschool
Preschool Lottery for 25-26 is CLOSED
Please let us know starting 02/17 if you would like to be added to the waitlist.
**Reminder: This is NOT first come first serve! All who complete the form by January 31st will have an equal chance in the random lottery drawing**

Lebanon City Schools provides specialized instruction for preschoolers to all children ages 3-5. We are a 5-Star rated preschool. The Lebanon City Schools Early Childhood Program was developed to serve children with a wide variety of special needs in response to a federal mandate that requires the provision of special education services (to children ages three to five) by public school districts. The current program model was adopted to include children with typical development in order to create a community of learners, one with an appropriate and enriching environment and experience for all.
We have 4 inclusive classrooms at Bowman Primary School with a maximum of 16 students in each class (8 with special needs and 8 with typical development). Each class has one teacher and one dedicated class aide at all times. All teachers have a 4-year and/or Masters degree. We also offer additional enrichment programs (in class "field trips") or extra programming on site: Lebanon Library brings story time into our preschool classes once a month, we have also brought in the Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati Zoo, Music Therapy, Warren County Soil & Water Conservation Group, and additional programming as budget and schedule allows throughout the year.
Preschool students attend Monday through Thursday. Preschool hours are AM (9-11:45am Monday-Thursday) or PM (1-3:45pm Monday-Thursday). We follow the same holiday and school break calendar as Lebanon City Schools.
The preschool monthly tuition for the 2025-2026 school year is $250 per month (Sept-May) and is due at the first of each month. There is a $80 application fee (exact cash or check only) due at the time of registration. There is also a one time school supply fee of $25 which is collected at the beginning of the year or pro-rated if you enroll mid-year. Daily snacks are provided to the children in the classroom each day and this is included in the school fee.
More Information about our Preschool:
Preschool Welcome Slide Show (updated 11/2024)
Who's Who At Bowman's Preschool (updated 08/2024)
Preschool FAQ (updated 1/2025)
Preschool Curriculum and Enrichment