Blog Entries - 2024
Winter Break Office Hours
District Office will be closed Monday, December 23 through Wednesday December 25, open December 26, 27, 30, 31, closed January 1, then open January 2 and 3 - 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and closed one hour for lunch 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. daily. Elementary
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Bus Drivers Collecting New and Used Throw Blankets
Lebanon School District's Transportation Department bus drivers are collecting new and used throw blankets now until November 22, 2024. Blankets will be delivered to the Warren County Children's Advocacy Center and the Humane Association of Warren
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Mourning the Loss of Coach Vandy
The Warrior community is mourning the loss of lifelong Warrior and community pillar, Jim VanDeGrift. Jim and his wife Rosie came to the Lebanon community in 1967 when he was hired as the Head Football Coach and biology teacher at Lebanon High School. They
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Senate Bill 29 General Notice
For more than 20 years, Lebanon City School District has taken steps to ensure a safe and secure internet experience for our students. We have implemented filtering systems that block inappropriate, harmful, or questionable material. When concerning
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LJHS Presents Frozen JR Nov. 8 & 9
The Lebanon Junior High School is proud to present the Drama Production of Frozen JR! Performances are Friday, November 9 and Saturday, November 9. Performances will begin at 7:00 pm each night in the District Performance Center Auditorium, 160 Miller
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Lebanon's Christmas for Tots is Prepping for Another Year
The holidays are right around the corner and Lebanon's Christmas for Tots is preparing for another year of helping families in our Lebanon community. In 2023, the organization provided gifts to 800 children. HOW TO APPLY: If your family is in
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Report Card Components Attribute to 4.5 Star Rating
Our district's overall rating of 4.5 out of 5.0 stars on the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce's District Report Cards is due to improvement in two components: Graduation Rate and Progress. Achievement, Gap Closing, and Early Literacy remained the
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It's Homecoming Week!
It's Homecoming Week, and Lebanon's strong sense of hometown pride is on full display! We invite your family to join in the excitement and take part in the upcoming events: Parade Thursday, September 19, 6:00 p.m. The Homecoming Parade begins at Berry
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District Earns 4.5 Stars on State Report Card
The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce's District Report Cards were released today. We're thrilled to announce our district's overall rating is 4.5 stars! This rating is a reflection of the collective effort of our staff, students, and the strong
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It was a beautiful, sunny morning for Warren County’s 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony. Donovan's fourth graders performed 'Free Like Me,' while Taylor Campbell, an 8th grader from Lebanon Junior High School, sang the National Anthem and Amazing Grace. The
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Phase One of Legacy Project: Complete!
The Legacy Project launched last spring and created a clear vision for the future of Lebanon Athletics and a plan to enhance and grow Lebanon's outdoor facilities. Our athletic facilities not only provide a place for our student athletes
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Forum: Protecting Youth Mental Health in the Digital Era
Lebanon City School District supports National Suicide Prevention Month held annually each September. On September 24, we're hosting a community forum about protecting youth mental health in the digital era. Join us as we come together as a community to
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Due to a technical issue, faxing is not available at our school buildings. Please EMAIL or CALL the following contacts if you wish to send a fax: BOWMAN PRIMARY SCHOOL Andrea Honaker - Preschool Secretary - email - 513-934-5489 Lynn Cuyler - Kindergarten
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Warrior Football vs. New Albany
FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS VanDeGrift Stadium has been renovated and is reopening tonight for the first home football game of the 2024 season. The Warriors are taking on New Albany - kickoff is at 7:30 p.m. Buy tickets
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Submit your Student's First Day of School Photo
We're collecting First Day of School photos again this year! Submit your student's photo through our website: CLICK HERE
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New Cell Phone Policy at Lebanon High School
New Personal Communication Device Policy Last month, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed a bill into law requiring all school districts to have a cell phone policy. At that time, the Governor also released a model cell phone policy for schools
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Bus Information is Available Today
Warrior Families - transportation route information is available today. Your student’s bus pick up and drop off times can be found in the My Ride K-12 app or online. My Ride K-12 APP - you can use the mobile version of My Ride K-12 to see your
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School Supply Lists
It's school supply shopping time! Take advantage of Ohio's tax holiday, which runs through Thursday, August 8, to save money. Bowman Primary Grades K, 1 & 2 Supply Lists can be found here:
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Getting Ready for Back to School
We are gearing up for the new school year and can't wait to see all of our Warriors again! Here's some important information about when schedules and other information will be released: BOWMAN PRIMARY SCHOOL - parents will receive an email on Friday,
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Check it out! The new press box was lifted by crane today and installed atop the new bleachers at VanDeGrift Stadium, bringing us one step closer to finishing Phase One of The Legacy Project. Click here to learn more about The Legacy
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Elevation of Two Directors to Assistant Superintendents
The Board of Education approved the elevation of two directors - Brian Dalton, HR Director, and Mark Graler, Curriculum Director - each to Assistant Superintendent positions. These assistant superintendent positions are new, although we are not adding staff.
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Mrs. Hogan named Educator of the Year
WARRIOR PRIDE! Join us in congratulating Paula Hogan, Lebanon High School science teacher - she was named Warren County Soil & Water Conservation District's Teacher of the Year! Mrs. Hogan was recognized for the work she does to create
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LHS Roof Replacement Photos
Click here to see photos of the roof replacement project happening at Lebanon High School:
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Michael Gliatti Sworn in as New Board Member
Michael Gliatti has been sworn in as Lebanon City School District's newest Board of Education member. Mike was chosen from a pool of applicants to fill exiting Board Member Michelle's Berry's seat. Mike is the President and CEO of Express
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Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year will be available on Wednesday August 7 via the new transportation app called MyRideK12. The old app, called Ride 360, was disabled May 1. Login credentials are the same for both
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New Start and Dismissal Times for 24/25
To start the new school year in the fall, our school building start and end times will be changing: Lebanon High School will begin ten minutes later and Lebanon Junior High School will dismiss eight minutes earlier. Donovan Elementary School and Bowman
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Notice of Board of Education Vacancy & Application Process
The Lebanon City School District Board of Education seeks applications to fill the unexpired term of Board Member Michelle Berry, who resigned May 15, 2024. The Board of Education accepted Mrs. Berry’s resignation at their May 20, 2024 meeting.The Board
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Warrior Welcome: Mike Arlinghaus
We are excited to announce Michael Arlinghaus as our new Operations Coordinator. Mike will be succeeding Taylor Secrist who retired in December. With a Bachelor's degree in Education from Miami University and a Masters of Educational Leadership from
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Strategic Planning: Shaping the Future of Our District
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Click here to take our survey. We are launching a significant initiative that will shape the future of education in our district. The district is developing a new strategic plan, and we want to hear from you! We
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The Legacy Project: Stadium & HS Field Updates
Last spring we announced the launch of The Legacy Project, a collaborative capital improvement initiative that will have a lasting impact on Lebanon City Schools’ student-athletes and the Lebanon community as a whole. Phase One of the project
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Warrior Welcome to Adam, Amy, and Heather!
Join us as we welcome Amy Uecker into the role of Child Nutrition Field Supervisor. She began in this new role in January. She joins Megan Grippa, who began in the role of Food Service Coordinator earlier last month. Mrs. Uecker comes to our district with
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Learn more about our Spanish Immersion Program
Did you know that we are only one of seven public school districts in Ohio to offer a language immersion program? Our Spanish Immersion program is offered to students in first through through sixth grade at Bowman Primary, Donovan Elementary, and
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Former Board Member Esther Larson Honored
At last Monday's Board of Education meeting, former Board Member Esther Larson was honored. Esther served on the Board of Education for 16 years. She taught Kindergarten in our district for 32 years before becoming a Board member. At the meeting,
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