Blog Entries - 2018
Assignment Grid for November 2nd
Students will not be in session on November 2nd because of a scheduled staff PD day. Students are expected to complete the assignments posted on the attached grid.
Click Here for Assignment Grid
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Please support our Junior High School Students, and see their performance of:
The Little Mermaid Jr. Friday, 11/16 and Saturday, 11/17 at 7pm. Click here for tickets
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Revised Traffic Map For LJHS
Important Update Regarding Access to LJHS from Miller Road- Beginning on Saturday, October 27th, visitors will no longer be able to access LJHS from Miller Road. All traffic will have to enter the parking lot from SR 48 as the old
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Parents, Below is a link to sign up for conferences on Thursday, October 25th. Please follow the directions below to sign up for conferences: 1. Go to the link
Blog Entry Synopsis EndSept. 24th PD Day Assignment Chart
Students are expected to complete work on the Staff Professional Development Day on Monday, September 24th. The link below takes you to the assignment grid that was given to students at school on Thursday, September 20, 2018. Click here to
Blog Entry Synopsis End18-19 Welcome Letter
This link will take you to a copy of the 18-19 Welcome Letter that was mailed home to students at the beginning of August.
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Bus information for the 2018-2019 school year is going to be available on Wednesday August 1st, starting at 10:00 am.To access your student’s bus information, go to the district website - Go
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Drop off and pick up map
This is a link to the drop off and pick up map that was left out of the 7th and 8th grade welcome letters.
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LJHS Welcomes New AP
Lebanon Junior High School is happy to welcome Alex Brunk back to the junior high as the Assistant Principal. Mr. Brunk is entering his 13 year in education. He spent the first 9 years of his career at Lebanon Junior High teaching history and the last 3 years
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Below is a link to the Lebanon Junior High School Supply List for the 2018-19 school year. Click on the link to learn what school supplies are needed for students in grades 7 and 8.
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Schedule Pickup Information
Mark your calendar. Student schedules for the 18-19 school year can be picked up at the junior high on August 10th from 9am to 11am or 1pm to 3pm. They can also be picked up at open house on August 13th from 4pm to 6pm. Schedules will be available on the first day of school for those who can’t make either other date.
Blog Entry Synopsis EndMarch 23rd Assignment Grid
Don't forget that students will not report to school on Friday, March 23rd as teachers will be participating in professional development. Students are expected to complete the assignments which were provided to them on Tuesday. Here is a link to
Blog Entry Synopsis EndCode of Conduct Updates
Important Announcement for Lebanon High School and Lebanon Junior High Parents: The Lebanon City School district, along with other schools districts across the country, are seeing an increase in a dangerous new trend among students, e-cigarette use, also
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Important Announcement for Lebanon High School and Lebanon Junior High Parents Dear Parents and Students, The Lebanon City School district, along with other schools districts across the country, are seeing an increase in a dangerous new trend among
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The Lebanon City School District has a renewal levy on the May 8, 2018 ballot. Here is information regarding the levy. The renewal levy preserves quality education and purchases for permanent improvement. It calls for ZERO INCREASE in property taxes for
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We are currently accepting nominations for the Lebanon City Schools Hall of Fame. Each year, nominees are inducted and honored for distinguished and significant contributions to the students, faculty, staff, and/or programs of the Lebanon city School District
Blog Entry Synopsis End6th Grade Parent Night Information
If you were unable to attend the 6th grade parent meeting tonight, here is a link to the slide show that was presented. 6th Grade Parent Meeting Slide Show This is a link to the course description guide provided to students today during
Blog Entry Synopsis EndEmail Update- January 26, 2018
Good morning LJHS Parents, Below is some important information regarding upcoming events at LJHS. Please remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for regular updates, announcements, and celebrations of happenings at LJHS. Brian
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Open Mic Night Scheduled
Parents and Students- You are invited to attend the Second Annual Open Mic Night on Thursday, February 8th from 6pm to 8pm at Lebanon Junior High School. Come celebrate the writing and accomplishments of our students. Parents are also invited to attend one
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LJHS Parent Literacy Night February 8, 2018 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM and 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Location: Multi-Purpose Room(2nd floor) Come share in a literacy experience with other parents to learn strategies that will help your learner grow as a reader, writer,
Blog Entry Synopsis End6th Grade Parents- IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS
Attention 6th grade Parents/Guardians: The New Year has begun and we would like to share information about required immunizations for next school year. We are alerting our parents now so you will have ample time to plan for these requirements if
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Geography Bee Results
Lebanon Junior High School Geography Bee Results Lebanon Junior High competes each year in the National Geographic Geography bee, allowing students to test their knowledge of geography around the world. LJHS has consistently sent students to the state
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Open registration for preschool will be held on Thursday, February 1st at the Central Registration Office on 700 Holbrook Avenue from 11:30-5:00PM.
An Open House will be held on Thursday, January 25th at Bowman Primary School from 6-7PM.

8th Grade Parent Meeting at LHS
8th Grade Parents- Mark your calendars for Monday, February 5th at 6pm. Please plan to attend the meeting at Lebanon High School to get general information on LHS, registering for classes, and the scheduling process.
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6th Grade Parent Meeting
6th Grade Parents- Mark your calendars and plan to attend this meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 6th to discuss scheduling for the junior high!
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2nd Quarter Grades are now available in ProgressBook. We apologize for the delay. Please contact your student's teacher if you have questions about a grade.
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Lebanon City Schools will be piloting a 1st grade Spanish Immersion program for the 2018-19 school year. Current kindergarten families are invited to come to an informational meeting to learn more about this opportunity. Join us January 30th at 2:30 OR 6:30
Blog Entry Synopsis EndEmail Update- January 8, 2018
Parents- We hope everyone has had a great start to the new year! Below is some important information from LJHS. Junior High Events Cancelled Today (1/8/18)- All junior high games and practices are cancelled for
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