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Trauma-Informed Support

Building Resiliency, Building Community

The primary mission of schools is to support students in educational achievement. To reach this goal, Lebanon City School District weaves trauma-informed approaches into the fabric of our schools. This includes strategic planning by administrators, staff training, and community partnerships to build knowledge and communication in the following key domains:

  1. Identifying and assessing trauma in children
  2. Addressing and treating traumatic stress through targeted interventions

  3. Providing ongoing trauma education and awareness 

  4. Having community and family supports 

  5. Creating a trauma-informed learning environment that emphasizes social/emotional skills and wellness

  6. Integrating emergency management & crisis response

  7. Understanding and addressing staff self-care

  8. Creating a culture of respect and support through school policies and practices 

Trauma-Informed Practices and Community Resources

Please see a directory of School and Community Resources here.